
競思維 15: 競爭光譜中的「容」



合作階段 (Collaborative Effort Stage)

適用手段: 合作 (Collaboration)包容 (Inclusion)互惠 (Mutual Benefit)

描述: 在這個階段,雙方共同朝著共同目標努力,重點是創造雙贏的局面和互惠利益。衝突基本不存在或處於極小的程度,合作是確保雙方都能從關係中獲益的關鍵。


合作 (Collaboration): 以共同利益為基礎,協同合作達成共同目標,發揮彼此的優勢。

包容 (Inclusion): 確保所有利益相關者在過程中都有發言權,尊重多樣的觀點。

互惠 (Mutual Benefit): 通過尋找雙方都能獲益的解決方案,建立長期的關係。

無武裝衝突的對抗競爭 (Competitive Rivalry Without Armed Conflict Stage)

適用手段: 容忍 (Tolerance)尊重 (Respect)有界限的合作 (Cooperation with Boundaries)

描述: 在這個階段,雙方的競爭十分激烈,但並未發生直接的武裝對抗。這是一種爭奪資源、權力或認同的競爭,雙方會盡量避免衝突升級為暴力。這可以表現在商業競爭、政治競爭或體育比賽中。


容忍 (Tolerance): 即使在競爭環境中,仍能接受對方的差異,並避免敵對情緒。

尊重 (Respect): 即便競爭激烈,仍保持專業和禮貌,避免衝突升級。

有界限的合作 (Cooperation with Boundaries): 在共同利益的領域內進行合作,同時在競爭領域中保持清晰的分界。

談判 (Negotiation): 透過對話解決分歧,達成妥協,防止衝突進一步升級。

武裝衝突 (Armed Conflict Stage)

適用手段: 克制 (Restraint)停火 (Ceasefire)冷卻 (De-escalation)調解 (Mediation)

描述: 當衝突進入直接的對抗階段,例如激烈的競爭、公開衝突,甚至是軍事對峙時,雙方的關係已經破裂,衝突已經變得暴力。在這個階段,焦點已不僅僅是取勝,而是如何控制衝突,防止局勢進一步惡化。


克制 (Restraint): 防止衝突進一步升級,避免造成不必要的損害。

停火 (Ceasefire): 在軍事或政治衝突中,暫時停止對抗,為談判創造條件。

冷卻 (De-escalation): 透過緩和言辭、降低挑釁行為,減少敵意和衝突升級。

調解 (Mediation): 由第三方介入,協助雙方找到合理的解決方案,為和平談判創造空間。

後衝突階段 (Post-Conflict Stage)

適用手段: 和解 (Reconciliation)信任重建 (Trust-building)合作 (Collaboration)寬恕 (Forgiveness)

描述: 在衝突結束後,無論是競爭性對抗還是武裝衝突,焦點轉向療癒、重建與恢復關係。這一階段重點是和解差異,確保長期和平,並建立未來合作的框架。


和解 (Reconciliation): 修復雙方的關係,並尋找未來和平共存的可能性。

信任重建 (Trust-building): 透過透明度、合作與一致的積極行動來逐步恢復信任。

寬恕 (Forgiveness): 在必要時進行寬恕,以釋放敵對情緒,並為未來的合作鋪平道路。

合作 (Collaboration): 重建合作關係,並確保基於互惠互利的穩定長期關係。


階段 適用手段 描述

合作階段 合作、包容、互惠 建立長期關係,朝著共同目標努力,並尊重彼此的差異。

無武裝衝突的對抗競爭 容忍、尊重、有界限的合作 在競爭中保持尊重和合作,防止衝突惡化。

武裝衝突 克制、停火、冷卻、調解 控制衝突,為談判創造空間,防止進一步升級。

後衝突階段 和解、信任重建、合作、寬恕 修復關係、重建信任並確保長期穩定合作。


The concept of the Competition Continuum describes different stages of conflict, from cooperation to adversarial competition without armed conflict, to armed conflict. In each stage, different strategies or approaches can be employed to manage or resolve the conflict. Below is a breakdown of the stages and suitable strategies or terms that align with the nature of the conflict at each point:

1. Cooperation (Stage of Collaborative Effort)

Key Strategies: Collaboration, Inclusion, Mutual Benefit

Description: At this stage, parties are working together towards shared goals, with an emphasis on creating win-win situations and mutual benefits. Conflict is either absent or minimal, and collaboration is prioritized to ensure that all parties gain from the relationship.

Suitable Approaches:

Collaboration: Focus on working together to achieve common goals, leveraging each other’s strengths for mutual benefit.

Inclusion: Ensuring all stakeholders have a voice in the process and that diverse perspectives are respected.

Mutual Benefit: Building long-term relationships by finding solutions that benefit all parties involved.

2. Adversarial Competition Without Armed Conflict (Stage of Competitive Rivalry)

Key Strategies: Tolerance, Respect, Cooperation with Boundaries

Description: In this stage, competition is intense, but it does not involve direct physical confrontation. Instead, it is a contest where parties compete for resources, power, or recognition, while trying to avoid escalation to violent conflict. It can be seen in business rivalries, political competition, or sports.

Suitable Approaches:

Tolerance: Acknowledging and accepting differences, even in a competitive environment, while avoiding antagonism.

Respect: Maintaining a level of professionalism and courtesy, even amid competition, to avoid bitterness or escalation.

Cooperation with Boundaries: Collaborating in areas of mutual interest while maintaining clear distinctions in more competitive areas.

Negotiation: Using dialogue to settle differences and seek compromises where possible, preventing escalation.

3. Armed Conflict (Stage of Direct Confrontation)

Key Strategies: Restraint, Ceasefire, De-escalation, Mediation

Description: At this stage, conflict has escalated to direct physical confrontation, involving violence or warfare. There is a breakdown of cooperation, and both sides are engaged in combat or military conflict. The goal now shifts from winning at all costs to managing the conflict to prevent further destruction.

Suitable Approaches:

Restraint: Both parties need to avoid unnecessary escalation, ensuring the conflict does not spiral into full-scale war or unnecessary damage.

Ceasefire: Temporarily halting hostilities to create space for dialogue and negotiations.

De-escalation: Reducing the intensity of the conflict, such as scaling back military operations or inflammatory rhetoric.

Mediation: Engaging neutral third parties to mediate and facilitate peace talks or negotiations to end the conflict.

4. Post-Conflict (Stage of Reconciliation and Long-Term Stability)

Key Strategies: Reconciliation, Trust-building, Cooperation, Forgiveness

Description: After the conflict, whether it is a competitive rivalry or armed conflict, the focus shifts to healing, rebuilding, and restoring relationships. This phase emphasizes reconciling differences, ensuring long-term peace, and establishing frameworks for future collaboration.

Suitable Approaches:

Reconciliation: Repairing relationships and finding common ground for peaceful coexistence, even after intense competition or conflict.

Trust-building: Rebuilding trust through transparency, cooperation, and consistent, positive actions.

Forgiveness: Offering forgiveness where necessary to release the cycle of hostility and enable future collaboration.

Cooperation: Working together again, but now with a stronger foundation of mutual respect and understanding.

Summary of Suitable Strategies Across the Competition Continuum

Stage Key Strategies Approaches

Cooperation Collaboration, Inclusion, Mutual Benefit Building long-term relationships with shared goals and respect.

Adversarial Competition Without Armed Conflict Tolerance, Respect, Cooperation with Boundaries Competing respectfully, acknowledging differences, negotiating.

Armed Conflict Restraint, Ceasefire, De-escalation, Mediation Managing escalation, halting violence, creating space for peace.

Post-Conflict Reconciliation, Trust-building, Cooperation, Forgiveness Healing, restoring relationships, and creating stability.

Each stage in the Competition Continuum requires different conflict resolution strategies based on the level of confrontation. While cooperation and tolerance are central at earlier stages, more complex methods like mediation and reconciliation become essential as the conflict intensifies or subsides.