
競思維17: 融合的假象(1)歷史的例子











1. 越王勾踐對吳王夫差的偽臣服


> 吳王的寬容(Tolerance)是錯誤的,因為他誤以為真正融合了勾踐,而勾踐的容忍(Forbearance)則是戰略性的,最終導致了吳國的滅亡。

2. 烏克蘭在二戰後被納入蘇聯



3. 美國的「文化大熔爐」與華人群體


> 美國政府的「容許」並不等於真正的融合,華人社群仍然堅持文化認同,這是一種互不干涉的共存,而非真正的文化統一。

4. 中華文化的歷史發展與少數民族的被動接受


> 這種融合非文化上的自願接受。少數民族更多是容忍而融入。

5. 間諜與潛伏者的「偽忠誠」


> 這是一種典型的「偽融合」,領導者誤以為自己掌控全局,但其實對方只是在等待時機反擊。


1. 許多所謂的「融合」,其實是虛假的,或者只是暫時的偽裝。


2. 「容忍」(Forbearance)往往比「融合」(Integration)更真實且可行。


3. 在虛偽的融合背後,往往潛藏著反叛的風險。


4. 在人類歷史的現實中,政治與文化的融合往往是「大融小」,很少有真正的「雙融」。



Scenarios of False Integration

1. King Goujian’s False Submission to King Fuchai of Wu

During the Spring and Autumn period, after King Goujian of Yue was defeated by King Fuchai of Wu, he chose to submit to Wu and serve as a subordinate. However, this was not genuine submission but a strategic endurance, waiting for an opportunity to strike back. King Fuchai believed he had shown tolerance (Tolerance) by accepting Goujian as a loyal subject, but in reality, Goujian was merely exercising forbearance (Forbearance) to endure humiliation while secretly building his strength. Eventually, he launched a revenge campaign and destroyed Wu.

Fuchai’s tolerance was misplaced because he mistook false integration for genuine loyalty, whereas Goujian’s forbearance was strategic, leading to Wu’s downfall.

2. Ukraine’s Forced Integration into the Soviet Union After WWII

After World War II, Ukraine became part of the Soviet Union not by choice but due to Soviet military power. The Ukrainian people did not fully identify with Soviet rule but tolerated (Forbearance) the situation to ensure survival and stability. However, this so-called integration was never complete, and Ukraine’s national identity remained strong. Ultimately, with the collapse of the USSR in 1991, Ukraine declared independence, showing that forced integration was unsustainable.

The Soviet Union’s forced integration of Ukraine was merely an illusion, as Ukraine never truly assimilated and instead exercised temporary forbearance until it could break free.

3. America’s “Melting Pot” and the Chinese Diaspora

The United States prides itself on being a “cultural melting pot,” where different ethnic groups integrate into American society. However, for the Chinese diaspora, this integration is not absolute. Many Chinese Americans hold U.S. citizenship and engage in political and economic activities, yet they retain strong ties to Chinese culture, traditions, and values. The U.S. government allows (Acceptance) this cultural plurality, but it does not mean that the Chinese community has fully assimilated.

The U.S. government’s acceptance of cultural diversity does not equate to true integration, as Chinese Americans continue to maintain their cultural identity. This is more of a coexistence than an actual fusion.

4. Chinese Culture and the Passive Acceptance of Minority Groups

Chinese culture has evolved over thousands of years, primarily centered around Han culture while incorporating various influences from regions such as Xinjiang, Tibet, and Yunnan. However, many ethnic minorities in these areas have not fully integrated into mainstream Han culture; instead, they have passively accepted (Acceptance) or tolerated (Forbearance) it due to political and economic realities. For example, Tibetan and Uighur cultures maintain their distinct traditions despite historical influence from the central government.

This form of integration is more of a political imposition rather than a voluntary cultural assimilation. Many ethnic minorities tolerate rather than actively embrace Han culture.

5. False Loyalty in Spy and Undercover Films

In many crime or espionage movies, powerful leaders often believe they have successfully won over key subordinates or even their romantic partners. However, these trusted individuals may turn out to be undercover agents from the enemy side. The leader assumes that they have achieved integration by showing inclusion (Inclusion), but in reality, the undercover agents are only exercising forbearance (Forbearance), waiting for the right moment to strike.

This is a classic case of false integration—leaders mistakenly believe they have secured loyalty, while in reality, the other party is biding their time for betrayal.

Conclusions and Insights

1. Many so-called “integrations” are illusions or strategic disguises.

Whether in politics, culture, or personal relationships, what appears to be harmonious integration may actually conceal deep-seated conflicts and hidden agendas. Temporary acceptance does not mean true assimilation.

2. Forbearance (Forbearance) is often more realistic and sustainable than integration (Integration).

Between different cultures, nations, or political entities, true fusion is often difficult to achieve. The more practical approach is mutual forbearance, where different groups tolerate each other’s existence while maintaining distinct identities.

3. Behind false integration, there is always a risk of rebellion.

When one side forces integration while the other only superficially complies, resentment builds up over time, eventually leading to resistance or conflict. The Soviet Union’s forced integration of Ukraine is a prime example of this dynamic.

4. In historical and political reality, integration is usually one-sided—there is no true “mutual integration.”

Throughout history, stronger civilizations or political entities have assimilated weaker ones, but rarely has integration been equal. The dominant power demands tolerance (Tolerance), while the weaker party is expected to endure (Forbearance). True mutual fusion is nearly nonexistent in political and cultural history.

These scenarios and conclusions illustrate that so-called “integration” is often superficial, while forbearance and power balance are more accurate reflections of reality. Whether in culture, politics, international relations, or personal interactions, understanding the difference between forbearance and false integration is crucial for effectively managing conflicts and long-term stability.